Educational Informatics Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that provides an international forum for presenting the latest original research results and developments in the fields of educational informatics.
Educational Informatics is a sub-field of informatics. The primary focus is on computer applications, systems and networks that support research in and delivery of education. Educational informatics is based upon information science, computer science and education but particularly addresses the intersection of these broad areas. Note that it is distinct from Informatics Education, a term that relates more to the practice of teaching/learning about informatics, rather than the use of information science and technology in the support of teaching and learning.
Educational Informatics Journal addresses five primary areas of research interests:
- empirical studies, including composing different approaches to teach various subjects, studying availability of various concepts at a given age, measuring knowledge transfer and skills developed, addressing gender issues, etc.
- statistical research on big data related to informatics (computer science) activities including e.g. research on assessment, online teaching, competitions, etc.
- educational engineering focusing mainly on developing high quality original teaching sequences of different informatics (computer science) topics that offer new, successful ways for knowledge transfer and development of computational thinking.
- machine learning of student's behavior including the use of information technology to observe students in the learning process and discovering clusters of their working.
- design and evaluation of educational tools that apply information technology in novel ways.

Standard: EIJ Call for Papers |
Posted: 2017-08-03 | |
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