Hairus Saleh


This research involves 38 JUNIOR students with math skills vary, 12 students with high math ability, 18 students with the capabilities of the math medium, and 8 students with a mathematical ability is low. The entire students are asked to work on the problem-solving tests individually, with its main focus are as follows: (1) students were asked to write down what was known to be reserved; (2) write back what is asked the question; (3) write the problem resolution plan; (4) to resolve the issue in accordance with the plans that have been written; (5) try the other possible alternative in resolving problems; (6) rechecking problem resolution. The findings show that students answer math problems solving has diversity which is categorized into four categories: no changes mean, a variability of blind, orthodoxy, and creativity. Students in the creative categories are students who can solve problems by integrating CT and DT by using two models: the CDM and DCM. Students in this category can have opportunities to create and explore the variability.

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