Lina Aris Ficayuma


Identifying the student’s needs and proficiency in a language is a pivotal factor before designing the syllabus and developing an intercultural communication e-book, which led the researcher to conduct this study. 27 students English education department is selected as representative research subjects. This research is part of R&D in the first part specifically, identifying and exploring the needs. Data collection for this study was obtained through a TEP test, document analysis of speaking class, and structured interviews. The data collection was analyzed quantitively and qualitatively using 6 steps: collection, reduction, display, conclusion drawing, and verification. As a result, almost half of students, specifically 44% of students obtain an average score of 546 to 600 or C level, while 52% of students obtain an average score of 450 to 546 out of 677 or in B level based on CEFR standard global scale. In addition, 51.85% of students pass academic speaking, 25.92 % of students pass critical speaking, and 22.23% of students pass basic speaking. In addition, the students pass with an average score of A or A- grade. Then English as a second foreign language is acquired after the Arabic language. In short, IC e-book design should be considering the feasibility of languages such as students' language development, communication, unity, cohesion, and coherence aspects.


English language proficiency, SLA, intercultural communication, Digital Book, and ELT Materials

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