Theresia Hayuning Wilujeng, Francisca Maria Ivone


The purpose of the study is to develop a prototype of WebQuest for teaching writing recount text to the tenth graders of senior high school. The design of the study is a modified Hyland (2003) Research and Development model, which includes: 1) a need analysis; 2) product development; 3) expert validation; 4) first revision; 5) product try-out; 6) second revision; and 7) final product. The researcher develops the prototype based on the data analysis taken from need analysis. The prototype was validated by experts and tried-out to the tenth graders of Ilmu Bahasa dan Budaya in SMAN 1 Singosari. The prototype of the development is in the form of web-based materials about biographical recount text which covered seven stages: 1) introduction; 2) task; 3) process; 4) evaluation; 5) conclusion; 6) resources; 7) teacher page. The result reveals that the prototype of WebQuest is suitable for teaching writing recount text.

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