Aldha Williyan


This study investigates teaching speaking in EFL learners' classroom as teaching speaking is a vast area of research.  This study, however, limits the focus to types of methods and oral corrective feedback.  This study involves two groups of participants, namely a group of EFL learners and an English teacher.  This qualitative study employs observation.  Afterward, the unstructured interview with the English teacher is conducted to give further data.  Through the observation, it is found that the teacher does some particular activities in teaching speaking.  The lesson is opened by group work and the teacher conducts a dialogue and chain drill.  The lesson eventually is closed by pair work and role play.  The analysis shows that the teacher uses several methods in doing those five activities.  Those are communicative language teaching, audio-lingual method, and cooperative language learning.  From those three, the audio-lingual method dominates the class activities. Additionally, this study finds that the teacher employs several types of oral corrective feedback.  Those are recast, explicit correction, clarification requests, and elicitation. These findings indicate that there is a relationship between methods and oral corrective feedbacks used by the teacher.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um046v3i22019p46-52


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