Terver Titus Udu



 Less research has investigated students’ and class teachers’ perception of teaching effectiveness even as the practice is very old and arguments favour it. The present research therefore utilized descriptive survey design and purposively selected 162 secondary school students, 6 English language teachers and 6 teaching practice supervisors to complete three sets of teaching practice evaluation questionnaires that provided data for analysis.  The questionnaires were validated by two experts in measurement and evaluation from Benue State University, Makurdi, and their reliability coefficient using Cronbach’s alpha yielded 0.83 (students’ Questionnaire), 0.85 (teachers’ questionnaire) and 0.81 (supervisors’ questionnaire). Results of the study using multiple regression analysis showed a high positive correlation among students, teachers and supervisors’ indicating multiple predictions of teacher effectiveness.  It was concluded that the practice of seeking diverse views of stakeholders on how student-teachers do their work is far more advantageous than relying on the opinion of only supervisors as it is at present. The study recommended that teaching practice exercise should not be combined with course work.

Keywords: teaching practice, effectiveness,   student-teachers, lesson plan


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um046v4i12020p1-8


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