Clarita Dianmonica Rachmadhany, Anik Nunuk Wulyani, Utari Praba Astuti


This study aims to develop a board game as a medium of pedagogical instruction at junior high schools named LOSS (Learn abOut Sound S) Board Game that helps students to improve their pronunciation in an entertaining way. This board game provides students with some opportunities to practice their pronunciation and learn it accurately in an enjoyable process. Students do not only learn about pronunciation of the ending sounds /s/, iz/, and /z/ but also about vocabulary and grammar. This study uses Research and Development (R&D) research design that includes: 1) needs analysis; 2) product development; 3) formative evaluation; 4) revising instruction; 5) product revision; 6) try-out the product; and 7) final product. The try-out product was done by eight grade students. The board game requires students to pronounce different words more than once and supports students to play, practice pronunciation, and check the correct pronunciation independently outside the classroom. The LOSS Board Game is expected to provide teachers at secondary schools with media for teaching pronunciation and provide the students with fun and enjoyable learning activities in their English class.

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