Erlyn Elmayanti Widya Susanti, Priscilia Eka Putri Andreane, Shafirra Rizka Ramadhanty, Sahilatus Sa'diyah


Abstract: Indonesia has a national language, the Indonesian language.  In daily communication, Indonesians usually mixed the languages to clarify and provide understanding to the interlocutor. Speakers often mix two languages, one of the factors that causes code-mixing is the acquisition of a second language, so they can use more than one language, which is how bilingualism occurs. In this paper, the researchers investigate code-mixing in Yowis Ben The Series, where the web series involved a mixture of Javanese, Indonesian and English, particularly the use of code-mixing. The researchers found that Yowis Ben The Series characters used three code-mixing types, with insertion as the primary strategy. Code-mixing occurred at word, phrase, baster, idiom, clause, and repetition levels. There are several reasons for using code-mixing: code usage limitation, speaker and speaker character, conversation partner, conversation mode, third speaker, and prestige.


Keywords:   code-mixing, sociolinguistics, bilingualism, Yowis Ben The Series, types of code-mixing, levels of code-mixing

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um046v4i22020p%25p


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