Lucia Geneviave Bella Shinta, Nanda Aprilia


The outbreak of COVID-19 that results to remote teaching and learning also leads to the implementation of online teaching-practicum as it is essential and cannot be separated from pre-service teachers’ preparation in becoming teachers. This study was intended to investigate EFL pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the implementation of the practicum and the improvement they perceived during the time period. Survey design utilizing questionnaire and follow-up interview as the instruments was used in this study. The findings indicated several challenges, such as in classroom management, assessment, and limited orientation of the practicum. The challenges occurred were also related to the lack of supporting facilities and internet. Despite the challenges, pre-service teachers also perceived improvement in teaching skills, knowledge, methods, new ideas, and interest in teaching. Their perceptions of online teaching-practicum also contributed to their perceptions whether online teaching-practicum has prepared them enough for their future profession as English teachers.


Keywords: pre-service teacher, online, teaching practicum, COVID-19 pandemic

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um046v4i22020p%25p


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