Achieving the Millennium Development Goals means preparing the Z Generation to learn English in more challenging instructional process that requires instruction using technology-based materials. Ample research has been conducted in developing such materials; however, little has been carried out for non-college students. Therefore, this study was conducted to develop a prototype of supplementary multimedia-based listening materials to teach descriptive texts for the seven graders using scientific procedure as recommended by the 2013 Curriculum involving stages of learning, namely: observing the oral texts, formulating questions about the texts, collecting the data, analyzing the data, communicating knowledge about the oral texts and then finally creating the texts. The research design of this study was adapted from the framework of developmental model by Gall, et al. (2003) that covers the following steps: needs assessment, product planning and design, product development, product validation, product revision and product try-out. The procedures of materials development were adapted from the Delphi Model by Kinney and Bruck (2009) which includes pre-development, product development, and final product. The final product of this study was in the form of macromedia flash file attached inside CDs/DVDs. The result of product evaluation and try-out showed that the listening materials were interestingly presented in terms of topics, listening activities and animations, and motivating for the students to learn descriptive texts.
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