Purbowo Purbowo, Miftachul Chusnah, Mazidatul Faizah, Umar Khasan, Septi Ambar


Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman peserta tentang teknologi pengemasan produk Fruit leather mangga agar memiliki daya simpan yang lebih lama. Peserta mitra yang terlibat yaitu Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) “Barokah” yang berlokasi di desa Ngampel kecamatan Ngusikan kabupaten Jombang. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan yaitu ceramah, diskusi dan praktik Kegiatan dilaksanakan melalui empat tahapan yaitu pre-test, teori, praktik dan post-test. Nilai rata-rata pre-test peserta kegiatan yaitu 5 dari skala 10 yang artinya masyarakat kurang memiliki wawasan yang cukup terhadap pengemasan produk fruit leather. Kegiatan pelatihan terdiri beberapa tahap yaitu dari desain label, konsep merk, pengenalan alat dan bahan pengemasan serta teknik pengemasan vakum. Pada akhir kegiatan didapatkan nilai post-test peserta yaitu 7,5 dari skala 10 yang artinya peserta sudah memahami dengan baik materi yang disampaikan dan peserta dapat melakukan praktik teknologi pengemasan fruit leather kegiatan dengan baik.


Abstract: This community service activity aims to increase participants' understanding of the packaging technology for mango fruit leather products so that they have a longer shelf life. The partner participants involved are the Village-Owned Enterprises (VOE) "Barokah" located in Ngampel village, Ngusikan sub-district, Jombang district. The implementation method used is lecture, discussion and practice. Activities are carried out through four stages, namely pre-test, theory, practice and post-test. The average value of the pre-test of the activity participants is 5 out of a scale of 10, which means that the community lacks sufficient insight into the packaging of fruit leather products. The training activity consisted of several stages, namely label design, brand concept, introduction to packaging tools and materials and vacuum packaging techniques. At the end of the activity, the participant's post-test score was 7.5 out of a scale of 10, which means that the participants had well understood the material presented and participants were able to practice fruit leather packaging technology activities well.


fruit leather, mangga, merk, pengabdian, pengemasan

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