Creative Solution Focused Counseling Models (CSFCM): Strategi Kreatif untuk Mengembangkan Self-regulated Learning Siswa

Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra, Augusto Da Costa, Said Alhadi


Abstract: The study aimed to develop CSFCM to improve student self-regulated learning. CSFCM is an application of solution-focused counseling integrated with creative arts. The developmental research consisted of three stages: (1) identify the self-regulated learning level; (2) formulating a hypothetical draft of CSFCM to improve student self-regulated learning; and (3) conducting product feasibility testing by experts and practitioners. Data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the CSFCM which consisting five stages of counseling was categorized as feasible to be implement in the schools.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan CSFCM untuk meningkatkan self-regulated learning siswa. CSFCM merupakan aplikasi dari konseling berfokus solusi yang diintegrasikan dengan seni kreatif. Penelitian pengembangan ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu: (1) identifikasi tingkat self-regulated learning; (2) merumuskan draft hipotetik CSFCM untuk meningkatkan self-regulated learning siswa; dan (3) melakukan pengujian kelayakan produk oleh ahli dan praktisi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan CSFCM yang terdiri dari lima tahap konseling dikategorikan layak untuk diimplementasikan di sekolah.



self-regulated learning; creative counseling; solution-focused counseling; konseling kreatif; konseling berfokus solusi

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