Abstract. This study aimed to gain a description of students’ misconception category on the concept of human circulatory system. This method used qualitative descriptively. This research carried out at MAN 3 Tasikmalaya, the population of this research was all students in the XI MIPA at MAN 3 Tasikmalaya, sampling technique used census. The instruments used are four-tier diagnostic test, interviews, and observation learning process. The result showed students’ misconceptions with an average percentage 15.7% that categorized as a low misconception, 19.2% of students experienced no conceptual understanding, 15% of students experienced conceptual understanding, 45.5% of students experienced partial understanding, and 4.4% of students experienced uncoded. The primary source of misconception in this study consisted of books (5%), teacher (11%), learning method (5%), and students (79%). Based on the result, it is suggested solution that can decrease misconception by optimize learning based on students centered, choosing credible books, and provides a periodic evaluation.
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