Abstract. The biology learning should be carried out according to the nature of biology as a science. One approach that fits the characteristics of biology as a science is a scientific approach. This study aims to determine the profile of the integration of scientific aspects in the implementation of microteaching courses in the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling using the Slovin formula as a method of determining the number of samples. The sample of the lesson plan amounted to 78 learning implementation plan documents from 39 prospective biology teacher students at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta who took microteaching courses. The results of the integration of scientific aspects in the microteaching learning implementation plan showed that the highest percentage was found in the core activities of the learning implementation plan 1 and lesson plan 2, namely observing (100% and 92.31%), asking questions (38.46% and 43, 59%), collecting information (97.44% and 100%), and communicating (94.87% and 100%), while associating (100% and 97.44%) was highest on learning objectives. The lowest percentage of integration is in the preliminary and closing activities. The lowest integration of the observing aspect (5.13%) is in the closing, the questioning aspect (0%) in all parts of the learning implementation plan 1 except for the core activities and (0%) in the objectives, introduction and closing of the lesson plan 2, information gathering aspects (2.56%) at the introduction and closing of the lesson plan 1 and (2.56%) at the end of the lesson plan 2. Associating aspects (2.56%) at the introduction to the lesson plan 1 and (5.13%) in the introduction and closing of the lesson plan 2. The aspect of communicating (0%) in the introduction.
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