Pengaruh Adopsi Jejaring Sosial Terhadap Intensi Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Program Sarjana di Indonesia

Finnah Fourqoniah


Social networks can be used as a means to foster interest in entrepreneurship in accordance with the theory of social learning and konektivisme. Although there is much debate about the benefits of social networking, this study suggests that online social networking adopsir expected to affect the growth of entrepreneurship intention Indonesian students. The approach of this research is explanatory research with hypothesis testing procedures to address concerns and research purposes. Collecting data in this study is done by giving questionnaires to respondents online via facebook and google survey forms. 1500 survey participation request is sent to potential respondents. 343 respondents completed questionnaires so the response rate of this study was 22.87%. The results showed that 1) the adoption of social networking online positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions. 2) the adoption of social networking online positive and significant impact on the perceived desirability and perceived feasibility 3) perceived desirability and perceived feasibility positive and significant impact on the intention to entrepreneurship. The theoretical implications of these results is the expansion of the model Entreprenurial Event Theory (EET) and provides empirical evidence that social networking online aopsi variables affect the formation of entrepreneurial intentions directly or through the mediation of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility. Social networks give effect to the entrepreneurial learning process informally based connectivity theory and social learning theory, therefore it is advisable to all parties concerned to be able to empower the media to the effectiveness and efficiency of entrepreneurial learning.

Abstrak : Jejaring sosial dapat digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menumbuhkan minat berwirausaha sesuai dengan teori pembelajaran sosial dan konektivisme. Walaupun terdapat banyak perdebatan tentang manfaat jejaring sosial, penelitian ini menduga bahwa adopsir jejaring sosial online diduga mempengaruhi tumbuhnya niat berwirausaha mahasiswa Indonesia.

Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah explanatory research dengan prosedur pengujian hipotesis untuk menjawab permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan angket kepada responden secara online melalui facebook survey dan google forms. 1500 permohonan partisipasi survey dikirimkan kepada calon responden. 343 responden mengisi angket sehingga respon rate penelitian ini adalah 22.87%.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) adopsi jejaring sosial online berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap niat berwirausaha. 2) adopsi jejaring sosial online berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perceived desirability dan perceived feasibility 3) perceived desirability dan perceived feasibility berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap niat berwirausaha

Implikasi teoretik hasil penelitian ini yaitu perluasan model Entreprenurial Event Theory (EET) dan memberikan bukti empiris bahwa variabel aopsi jejaring sosial online mempengaruhi pembentukan intensi berwirausaha secara langsung maupun melalui mediasi perceived desirability dan perceived feasibility. Jejaring sosial memberi pengaruh terhadap proses pembelajaran wirausaha secara informal berdasarkan teori konektivitas dan teori belajar sosial, oleh karena itu disarankan kepada semua pihak yang terkait untuk dapat memberdayakan media ini guna efektivitas dan efisiensi pembelajaran wirausaha.





Entrepreneurship intention; perceived desirability; perceived feasibility; adoption of social networking online; Niat Berwirausaha; perceived desirability; perceived feasibility; adopsi jejaring sosial online

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