Relation Between Education and Entrepreneurship

Nur Lathifah Aini, Holilur Rahman, Ach. Nurholis Majid


Misinterpretation of the meaning of education and entrepreneurship has often occurred over the past few years, especially in academia. The practice has implications for the rampant cases of failure in the analysis process, which have an impact on the error of research results that develop in the community. Worse, cases of educational status that affect the profession obtained, cases of incompetent graduates, and cases of crime that increase due to unemployment also add to the existing problems, so that it demands a study of the relationship between the two is urgent to be carried out. This article restores the essence and describes the relationship between education and entrepreneurship simultaneously. This research used a type of literature study with a qualitative approach. The results of this study obtained three important points. First, the construction to describe the meaning that gives understanding and forms the correct paradigm. Second, analyze development patterns with three perspectives (psychological, functional, and situational) to give a clear direction of application to these two scientific disciplines. Third, the relationship between education and entrepreneurship forms relationships that fill each other’s space so that their roles are integrated in one unity.


development patterns, relationships, education, entrepreneurship

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