Selpius R Kandou


This study aimed to analyze the effects of the use of an overcorrection strategies by a forced movement exercise toward t three autistic behavior, especially handflowing, handmouthing, handclapping and objects touching behaviour on male child with autism aged 7 years in ACCA Autism SLB Manado centre. The method used is the single-subject experimental research (SSR) of inter-behavior design. The results showed that a reduction in the autistic behavior into three substantial by overcorrecion procedure. Average autistic behavior decreased at least 80%.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efek penggunaan strategi overcorrection dengan latihan forced movement terhadap tiga perilaku autistik yang menonjol, khususnya perilaku handflowing, handmouthing, handclapping dan touching objects pada seorang anak autis laki-laki berumur 7 tahun di SLB Autis ACCA Centre Manado. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian eksperimental single subject research (SSR) disain antar-perilaku. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengurangan terhadap ke tiga perilaku autistik yang cukup sustansial dengan prosedur overcorrection. Rata-rata perilaku autistik menurun minimal 80%.


autisme; perilaku autistik; posedur overcorrection

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