Kekerasan Simbolik Melalui Dominasi Modal Agama pada Sekolah Swasta di Kabupaten Bantaeng

Suardi Suardi


Disparitas antara siswa sekolah swasta dan siswa sekolah negeri menjadi hal biasa karena perbedaan akumulasi modal ekonomi, sosial, budaya, simbolik dan agama. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menemukan adanya modal agama sebagai bentuk akumulasi modal untuk mengatasi kekerasan simbolik. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode mixed method concurrent embedded di 10 sekolah swasta dan 6 sekolah negeri. Informan penelitian kualitatif sebanyak 43 orang ditentukan menggunakan purposive sampling sedangkan responden penelitian kuantitatif sebanyak 301 orang ditentukan menggunakan random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar angket skala likert dan Gutman, lembar observasi secara langsung, lembar wawancara terstruktur dan dokumen. Data kualitatif yang telah dikumpulkan dianalisis melalui tahapan reduksi data, display data kemudian melakukan penarikan kesimpulan. Data kuantitatif dianalisis melalui tahapan verifikasi, tabulasi dan persentase data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modal agama menjadi hal yang dominan yang dimiliki oleh sekolah swasta yang bisa dioptimalkan untuk merebut dominasi dalam ranah pendidikan agar siswa tidak mengalami kekerasan simbolik. Bentuk modal sosial yang dimiliki oleh sekolah swasta adalah (i) kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap sekolah swasta dalam memberikan pembelajaran agama, karakter atau nilai-nilai sosial, dengan persentase 71,77 persen,  (ii) kepemimpinan spiritual yang selalu didominasi oleh aktor-aktor sekolah swasta dalam berbagai kegiatan keagamaan, dengan persentase 83,05 persen.


Disparities between private school students and public school students are common because of differences in the accumulation of economic, social, cultural, symbolic and religious capital. This article aims to analyze and find the existence of religious capital as a form of capital accumulation to overcome symbolic violence. This research was conducted using the mixed method concurrent embedded method in 10 private schools and 6 public schools. Qualitative research informants as many as 43 people were determined using purposive sampling while 301 quantitative research respondents were determined using random sampling. Data was collected using a Likert and Gutman scale questionnaire, direct observation sheets, structured interview sheets and documents. The qualitative data that has been collected is analyzed through the stages of data reduction, displaying the data and then drawing conclusions, while the quantitative data is analyzed through the stages of verification, tabulation and data percentage. The results of the study show that religious capital is the dominant thing owned by private schools which can be optimized to seize dominance in the realm of education so that students do not experience symbolic violence. The forms of social capital owned by private schools are (i) public trust in private schools in providing religious learning, character or social values, with a percentage of 71.77 percent, (ii) spiritual leadership which is always dominated by private school actors in various fields. religious activities, with a percentage of 83.05 percent.


dominasi; modal agama; kekerasan simbolik; akumulasi modal

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