The Diffusion of ICT for Corruption Detection in Open Government Data

Darusalam Darusalam, Jamaliah Said, Normah Omar, Marijn Janssen, Kazi Sohag


Corruption occurs in many places within the government. To tackle the issue, open data can be used as one of the tools in creating more insight into the government. The premise of this paper is to support the notion that data opening can bring up new ways of fighting corruption. The current paper aimed at investigating how open data can be employed to detect corruption. This open data is trivial due to challenges like information asymmetry among stakeholders, data might only be opened partly, different sources of data need to be combined, and data might not be easy to use, might be biased or even manipulated. The study was conducted using a literature review approach. The reviews implied that corruption can be detected using Open Government Data, Thus, by conducting the open data technique within the government, the public could monitor the activities of the governments. The practical contribution of this paper is expected to assist the government in detecting corruption by using a data-driven approach. Furthermore, the scientific contribution will originate from the development of a framework reference architecture to uncover corruption cases.

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