Neural Network Classification of Brainwave Alpha Signals in Cognitive Activities
The signal produced by human brain waves is one unique feature. Signals carry information and are represented in electrical signals generated from the brain in a typical waveform. Human brain wave activity will always be active even when sleeping. Brain waves will produce different characteristics in different individuals. Physical and behavioral characteristics can be identified from patterns of brain wave activity. This study aims to distinguish signals from each individual based on the characteristics of alpha signals from brain waves produced. Brain wave signals are generated by giving several mental perception tasks measured using an Electroencephalogram (EEG). To get different features, EEG signals are extracted using first-order extraction and are classified using the Neural Network method. The results of this study are typical of the five first-order features used, namely average, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and entropy. The results of pattern recognition training show that 171 successful iterations are carried out with a period of execution of 6 seconds. Performance tests are performed using the Mean Squared Error (MSE) function. The results of the performance tests that were successfully obtained in the pattern test are in the number 0.000994.
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