Implementation of Measurement of Customer Satisfaction Index Using Google Classroom (Case Study: SMK Negeri 2 PPU)
SMK Negeri 2 Penajam Paser Utara is located on Jl. Province Km. 08 Nipah-Nipah Penajam District is one of the many North Penajam Paser that use the Google Classroom Application as a substitute medium in the online learning process (on the network) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The level of satisfaction is the difference between the user's perceived performance and his expectations. When performance is below expectations, users will feel disappointed. This research aims to find out how satisfied the students of SMKN 2 PPU are in using the Google Classroom Application. The method used is the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) which helps determine the level of satisfaction using the Google Classroom Application. Based on the Customer Satisfaction Index analysis, the results obtained are 73.11 percent, which shows that users feel "Satisfied" while using the Google Classroom Application.
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