Improving Student Learning Outcomes through Utilization of Interactive Learning Media with Creative Problem Solving

Moh Yusril Firmansyah, Syaad Patmanthara, Yohanes Gatot Sutapa


Acceptance of information technology changes the paradigm through the internet network used on smartphones. The results of observations at SMKN 7 Malang with teachers of basic graphic design subject in class during the COVID-19 pandemic which were held remotely through their respective homes, that the use of conventional models and PowerPoint media used by teachers is less easy to explain basic lessons graphic design, the PowerPoint produced through the material presented are difficult to accept, and the use of media in learning activities that is not maximized to be able to motivate students to improve learning outcomes. This study aims to design interactive learning media based on graphic design with creative problem-solving content in improving student learning outcomes in class X TKJ. This study uses the ADDIE development research model and Waterfall. The test subjects of this study included material experts, media experts, and X TKJ students in SMKN 7 Malang. From the results of development research, this interactive learning media obtained an average score of media experts with a value of 92.78 percent and material experts with a value of 82.97 percent. Then from the small group trial with a value of 91.20 percent, and from the large group trial with a value of 80.37 percent. The effectiveness of the product is evidenced by the student’s final post-test scores. In conclusion, creative problem-solving learning media content that was developed is very appropriate and effective for use in student learning activities at SMKN 7 Malang.

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 Letters in Information Technology Education (LITE)
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