Enhancing Interest in Network Installation with Android-Based Learning for Vocational IT Students

Muhammad Shalahuddin Amrullah, Wahyu Sakti Gunawan Irianto


This research aims to develop an Android-based learning media called JaringanPedia to increase students' interest in learning about Network Device Installation and Configuration at the Vocational High School level. This media was developed using the ADDIE model, which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. The results of the media feasibility analysis show a positive outcome, with a validation value of 92.11 percent from media experts and 86.46 percent from material experts. The media was also tested on students, with a validity score of 85.94 percent for small-scale testing and 86.15 percent for large-scale testing, both categorized as "very valid." Furthermore, this research found an increase in students' interest in learning after using the media, with an increase of 4.69 percent for small-scale testing and 6.46 percent for large-scale testing. The JaringanPedia media is expected to become a learning media that can stimulate students' interest in learning about computer network installation and configuration.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um010v6i22023p%25p


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