Model Project Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Sejarah Wanita pada Mahasiswa
Kata-kata kunci: pembelajaran berbasis proyek, keterampilan menulis, sejarah wanita
Abstract: Teaching of woman history is important to be implemented in university to shape the student’s awareness on the role and position of woman. However all this study and writing history of women still limited to large themes. Woman his-tory in the local level is ralely to be studied. Therefore, we should develop a learn-ing model to increase skills of writing woman history for student. This study used quasi experiment with a control class and exsperiment class. The sample is the fourth year students, Study Proggramme of History Education FIS UNY. Based on result of statistical test. It was obtained that the post test average of experiment class is 85,70 and control class is 61,41. While value to test T is obtained of 6,843 with the significance of 0.00. The level of significance is 0.00 < 0,025.
Keywords: project based learning, writing skills, woman history
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Copyright (c) 2017 Hany Nurpratiwi, Hermanu Joebagio, Nunuk Suryani
Editorial office:
History Department, Faculty of Social Science,
Universitas Negeri Malang
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P-ISSN 1979-9993
E-ISSN 2503-1147
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