Ponimin Ponimin, Agnisa Maulani Wisesa, Okta Viviana Asmi Nusantari


Petungsewu tourism village development program aims to increase the village's potential by developing vases of ornamental plants in the rest area of the village. The existence of these aesthetic element products can strengthen the attractiveness of tourists through the presentation of ornamental plants packaged in terracotta vases. There are various steps of creative activities related to the program of realizing from joint activities of the collaborator villages. The method includes: 1. The coordination process with the creative team from the LPPM UM with collaborator villages about the creative work plan, (2) The process of program implementation; which includes the formulation of the concept of terracotta vases and the process of making the initial design of terracotta vases, (3) The process of making or producing terracotta vases of ornamental plants includes the process of making basic shapes, the process of making advanced shapes, details, and ornamental elements, the process of realizing detailed shapes, and the finishing process, (4) The process of applying ornamental plant vases to the exterior aesthetic elements of the rest area of Petungsewu tourist village, (5) Analysis and conclusion of creative work results. The results of this creative work present a prototype of an ornamental plant terracotta vase product with the idea of local potential that is displayed in the tourist village area and the results can also strengthen the visual icon of the area.


Program kegiatan pengembangan desa mitra wisata Petungsewu bertujuan untuk meningkatkan potensi desa melalui pengembangan sajian vas tanaman hias di kawasan rest area desa tersebut. Adanya produk elemen estetik tersebut dapat menguatkan daya tarik wisatawan melalui sajian tanaman hias yang dikemas dalam vas terakota. Metode pelaksanaan meliputi langkah-langkah kegiatan kreatif yang berkaitan dengan program merealisasikan dari kegiatan bersama desa mitra. Metode tersebut meliputi: (1) Proses koordinasi bersama tim pelaksana kreatif dari lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kampus UM bersama desa mitra tentang rencana kerja kreatif. (2) Proses pelaksanaan program meliputi kegiatan perumusan konsep vas terakota dan proses perancangan gambar desain vas terakota tanaman hias, (3) Proses pembuatan atau produksi vas terakota tanaman hias. proses pembuatan bentuk dasar, proses pembuatan bentuk lanjut, proses pembuatan detail, proses pembuatan elemen-elemen hias pada karya tersebut, proses merealisasi bentuk-bentuk detail serta yang terakhir adalah proses finishing, (4) Proses penerapan vas tanaman hias untuk elemen estetik eksterior kawasan rest area desa wisata Petungsewu (5) Analisis dan penyimpulan hasil kerja kreatif. Hasil kerja kreatif tersebut menghasilkan produk vas terakota tanaman hias dengan ide potensi lokal yang terpajang di kawasan desa wisata dan hasilnya dapat menguatkan ikon visual kawasan.


terakota vas tanaman; Petungsewu; desa wisata


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