Mungin Eddy Wibowo


Professionalism guidance and counseling is a necessity and necessity for anyone who working the profession of guidance and counseling and educational personnel education institutions (LPTK) in this guidance and counseling study program  as a provision of professional education guidance and counseling. The counseling and guidance study program in Indonesia recognizes the importance of scientific journals in order to improve the professionalism of guidance and counseling. Through the revitalization of scientific publications in the form of scientific journal articles conducted by students, lecturers and members of the profession and publishing scientific journals conducted by LPTK (guidance and counseling courses) and professional guidance and counseling organizations will strengthen the existence of the profession, affirming and promoting the identity of the profession, feasibility and accountability profession guidance and counseling nationally and internationally. The guidance and counseling study program creates a conducive climate for lecturers and students to creatively and innovatively carry out their roles and functions as the main actors of quality and well-planned research. The guidance and counseling study program facilitates and conducts dissemination of research results in various forms, including the implementation of scientific forums/seminars, scientific presentations in national and international forums, publications in accredited national and/or international journals. To meet these demands, it is necessary to issue quality scientific periodicals in various fields in sufficient quantities, so that researchers have enough containers to publish quality articles whose numbers increase from year to year. In the professional world, the ability of a professional and/or counseling profession and guidance counselor is a guidance and counseling study program related to the profession tested and to him is given evidence that the person is really believed and can be trusted to carry out the task in Profession of guidance and counseling. Testing and provision of the intended evidence is done based on credential rules issued by the authorities. Rules of credentials related to guidance and counseling study program are accreditation conducted by BAN-PT. The study program must be able to publish accredited national scientific journals as well as accredited/reputable internationally in an effort to improve the professionalism of guidance and counseling as well as to increase the value of accreditation especially on standard 7 relating to research, community service and cooperation so as to increase the accreditation rating performed by BAN -PT as external quality assurance.


professionalism; guidance and counseling; scientific journal; accreditation

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