Editorial Boards


Prof. Dr. Punaji Setyosari, M.Pd., M.A. 
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57191276640] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Instructional technolgy, Instructional design. 



Dr. Citra Kurniawan, S.T., M.M.
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia.
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57200987110] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate]
Expertise: Teknologi pembelajaran, Data mining, Learning engineering, Metode penelitian.



Fitri Suraya Mohamad, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Faculty of Cognitive Sciences & Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 6507347450] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [ResearchGate]
Expertise: Teacher Knowledge (TPACK), Instructional technology, E-Learning.
Thi Thom Thom Nguyen, Ph.D.
University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Viet Nam
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57209166927] [Google Scholar] [ORCID]
Expertise: Teacher professional development, Educational policy.
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57194130351] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Resourcec learning, Curriculum development, Learning model, Teacher training, Program development.
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 56073756000] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Instructional media, Artificial intelligence in education, MOOCS and E-Learning, Mobile learning and ubiquitous learning, Personalitation.
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57212881139] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Educational technology, Gamification, Instructional media, Games based learning
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57208598465] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Educational technology, Instructional technology, Learning environment
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57216741278] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Teknologi pembelajaran, Model dan strategi pembelajaran, Media pembelajaran, Multimedia pembelajaran, Gamification
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57216710454] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Instructional technology, Instructional design, Instructional strategy. 
Dr. Cepi Riyana, M.Pd. 
Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57201977374)] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Education, Curriculum, Education media, Educational technology, Information communication technology.
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57210157420] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Educational technology, Multimedia learning, E-learning.
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Academic profile: [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn
Expertise: Educational Technology, Instructional media, Video-based learning. 
Dr. Fajar Arianto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57680858500] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate]
Expertise: Educational technology, Instructional design, Multimedia learning. 
National Tsing Hua University Taiwan (WoS ID:N-8022-2018), Taiwan 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57208598800] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [WoS] [Publon] [ResearchGate] [Academia] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Educational technology, Online assessment, Training design, Micro learning, Adaptive mobile learning.
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia.
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57208595224] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate]
Expertise: Gamified Learning, Educational technology, Instructional design.
Department of Information and Library Science, Faculty of Educaiton, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57755640900] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn
Expertise: Library and information science, School library, Educational technology, Curriculum development, Research methodology. 
Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Makasar, Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57203944062] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate] [LinkedIn
Expertise: Educational technology, E-learning, Learning analytics, Multimedia learning. 
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika), Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57224996113] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Educational technology, E-learning, Mobile learning. 
Khoirun Nisa', S.Pd., M.Si
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Indonesia
Academic profile: [LinkedIn
Expertise: Educational technology, training management.
Department of Performing Art Education, Indonesian Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta, Indonesia 
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57221392709] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [SINTA] [ResearchGate]
Expertise: ICT for Education, Performing arts education, Modern instructional design.
Widyaiswara di Balai Diklat BKKBN Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Academic profile: [GARUDA ID: 3270714] [LinkedIn]
Expertise: Edcational technology, Curriculum design, Training, design, Multimedia learning.


Yulias Prihatmoko, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Academic profile: [SCOPUS ID: 57208593500] [Google Scholar] [ORCID] [ResearchGate]
Expertise: Educational technology.
