Interactive Instructional: Theoretical Perspective and Its Potential Support in Stimulating Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Rafika Fauzia Ulfa, Habiddin Habiddin, Yudhi Utomo


In this disruptive era, the success of teaching approaches that encourage students’ creativity and innovation is presented in students’ attained high-order thinking skills (HOTS). Consequently, the attainment of HOTS aids someone to avert negative things since they are capable of analyzing and evaluating their obtained information. Besides, HOTS also facilitates the process of students attaining knowledge, generating questions, properly interpreting information, and drawing a conclusion for an issue, with solid reasons, an open mind, and an effective means to communicate it. This article presents a theoretical study on the interactive instructional learning model and identifies its potential in accelerating students’ HOTS. It aims to introduce the interactive instructional model in chemistry learning. Further, this model can be adopted in a study with a more intensive evaluation of its empirical contribution to chemistry learning. The learning syntax for this model has been formulated for the Basic Chemistry Class 1.


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Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS); instructional interactive; pembelajaran kimia.

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