Online Submissions


After logging into the Jurnal Pembelajaran Sains, the author will enter the Author Submission page and then must click on the "new submission" link.

Step 1 - Starting the Submission: The author must check all journal checklists that are tailored to the content of the article to be submitted. The author can also provide messages to the editor via the comments for form at the bottom of the page.

Step 2 - Uploading the Submission: To upload the article script to the journal, please click browse / select file in the upload submission file box and select the article script file (format must be .doc / .docx) to submit. Then click the "upload" button until the article is successfully uploaded.

Step 3 - Entering Submission’s Metadata: In this step, the metadata details must be filled in. After that, the article title and abstract must be entered by copying the text and pasting it into the textbox including keywords. The list of references / libraries used must also be entered into the References box with a blank line separator between references.

Step 4 - Uploading Supplementary Files: Supplementary files can be uploaded including Cover / Submission Letter and Plagiarism-Free Statement. Upload files by clicking on the Browse button, selecting the file to upload, then clicking on the Upload button. If no supplementary files have been uploaded, please continue this step by selecting the "save and continue" button.

Step - 5 Confirming The Submission: In this step, the final check will be uploaded to the article script file upload. To complete the article submission process to the Science Learning Journal, press the Finish Submission button after making sure the article submitted is correct. Corresponding Author or Principal Contact will receive notification via email and can see the development of the editorial process through submission’s progress by logging in the journal web.

After entering the article, the writer submitting the article script will get an email confirmation about the article entered. The author can trace the article through the submission status at any time by entering the online submission page. Tracking this article includes the status of the manuscript review and the editorial process.



Setelah Login ke Jurnal Pembelajaran Sains, Penulis akan masuk pada halaman Penulis Submission kemudian harus  melakukan klik pada link “new submission".

Step 1 – Starting The Submission: Penulis harus mencentang semua check list jurnal yang disesuaikan dengan konten artikel yang akan disubmit.  Penulis juga bisa memberikan pesan ke editor melalui form the comments for editor pada bagian bawah halaman.

Step 2 – Uploading The Submission: Untuk unggah naskah artikel ke jurnal, silakan klik browse/pilih file pada kotak upload submission file dan pilih file naskah artikel (format harus .doc/.docx) untuk disubmit. Kemudian klik tombol “upload” sampai artikel berhasil terunggah.

Step 3 – Entering Submission’s Metadata: Pada langkah ini, detail metadata  harus di isikan. Setelah itu, judul Artikel dan abstrak harus dimasukkan bisa dengan cara copy tulisan kemudian paste ke dalam textbox termasuk keywords. Daftar rujukan/pustaka yang digunakan juga harus dimasukkan ke dalam kotak References dengan pemisah satu baris kosong antar referensi.

Step 4 – Uploading Supplementary Files: Supplementary file bisa diunggah termasuk Cover/Submission Letter dan Surat Pernyataan Bebas Plagiarisme. Unggah file dengan cara klik pada tombol Browse, pilih file yang akan diunggah, kemudian klik pada tombol Upload. Bila tidak ada file supplementary yang di unggah silakan lanjutkan langkah ini dengan memilih tombol “save and continue”.

Step – 5 Confirming The Submission: Pada langkah ini,  akan melakukan pengecekan terakhir dari unggahan file naskah artikel. Untuk menyelesaikan proses submission naskah artikel ke Jurnal Pembelajaran Sains, tekan tombol Finish Submission setelah memastikan artikel yang dikirim sudah benar. Corresponding Penulis atau Kontak prinsipal akan menerima pemberitahuan melalui email dan bisa melihat perkembangan proses editorial melalui submission’s progress dengan cara login web jurnal.

Setelah memasukkan artikel,  penulis yang melakukan submission naskah artikel akan mendapatkan email konfirmasi mengenai artikel yang dimasukkan. Penulis dapat melakukan pelacakan artikel melalui status submission setiap saat dengan cara masuk ke halaman online submission. Pelacakan artikel ini termasuk status manuscript review dan proses editorial.