Jurnal Sains Psikologi (JSP) is a scientific journal in Psychology published by the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. JSP includes topics related to the theme of clinical psychology, industry and organization, education, development, and social. In this journal, we are welcoming any works regarding the problems found in society studied based on Psychology or any form of psychoeducation in various fields of psychology. We encourage author(s) to submit the manuscripts with various study quantitatives methods such as meta-analysis, experimental study, and non-experimental study (correlational, comparison, path analysis, etc). The JSP is published twice a year, in March and November. Each article sent to JSP will be reviewed using a double-blind peer review.
New Article Template |
The Open Journal System (OJS) has announced the use of a new and improved template for journal articles in Jurnal Sains Psikologi. This update aims to improve the overall readability and visual appeal of the work. The new template will simplify the publication process for authors and enhance the quality and impact of the research published in the journal. The implementation of this new template will start with the issue of Vol 13 No 1 in March 2024. The editorial team welcomes any questions or feedback regarding the new template. They appreciate the continued support of the authors and look forward to receiving future submissions. | |
Posted: 2024-01-16 | More... |
Publication Fee |
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Posted: 2022-02-22 | More... |
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Vol 13, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Angelea Putri Aisya, Mirra Noor Milla
Ajeng Ayuning Tyas, Fahrul Rozi
Yuliana Mukti Rahmawati, Anisa Rahmadani
Ali Ridho
Islamidiena Dheananda Putri, Widuri Nugrahany, Ira Puspitawati
Najwa Salma Aqilah, Dewi Trihandayani
Zidni Ilma Nafi'ah, Khasdyah Dwi Dewi Setyoningtias
Fuad Ardiansyah, Hardiman F. Sanaba, Lorena Tiku Salu, Achmad R. S. Budi
Nur Rohmah Hidayatul Qoyyimah, Cahya Suryani, Farah Farida Tantiani
Fajar Ayu Hastuti, Ananta Yudiarso