Combining Teams Games Tournament (TGT) and Mind Mapping to Improve Students’ Activity and Learning Achievement

Linda Novitasari, Sri Umi Mintarti, Yohanes Hadi Soesilo


The research examines the process of improving students’ activities and students’ achievement on Economics by applying collaborated learning model between Mind Mapping and Teams Games Tournament (TGT). This study follows a classroom action research which conducted in SMAN 2 Batu in Indonesia for Tenth grade students in social studies. This research is carried out in  two cycles including four stages namely planning, observation, evaluation, and reflection.The data were gathered from several tests and direct observation. Further, the data were analyzed both qualitative and quantitative accordingly. The findings showed that the combination of mind mapping and teams games tournament (TGT) promotes better teaching and learning activities. Consequently, students are more likely understand the materials in the economic course comprehensively. Furthermore, the implementation of both learning models simultaneously affects to encourage students to be active and spirit to follow the lesson. Lastly, the amalgamation of mind mapping and teams games tournament (TGT) leads to greater students’ activities and students’ achievement.

Keywords: Teams Games Tournament, Mind Mapping, Students’ Activity, Students’ Achievement

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