Integrating a mobile-learning (M-Learning) into a language classroom is an interesting topic to discuss; however, little is known about how much this technology-based language teaching is feasible for teachers to use in the language classrooms. This study aims at describing how M-learning has been implemented in English classrooms of non-English Department students. The questionnaire of the online survey was employed to collect data from the respondents. The students from English Department (Management) became the subjects of the study. This study found that most students in two different classes had positive perception towards the implementation of M-Learning in English class in terms of the curriculum (70%), learning enjoyment (85%), easy use (75%), assessment activities (85%), the materials (85%), teaching and learning activities (90%), and teacher’s feedback (80%). Despite the fact that students consider the prevailing M-Learning a useful and relevant teaching strategy to use, this teaching online is also subject to some weaknesses, such as: time consuming for giving feedback, copy right issues, cost of buying the devices and internet connection service.
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