Journal History

JIP has been published since February, 21th 1994 by Education Institution for Teacher's Training (LPTK) around Indonesia and Indonesian Bachelor Degree Associate (ISPI) cooperated with Project Affair of PGSM IBRD Loan 3979-IND, General Directorate of Higher Education National Education Department. This journal was published on a printed (since 1994) and online (since 2011), with the registered number of P-ISSN: 0215-9643 and E-ISSN: 2442-8655

Since June 2021, this journal has been accredited Rank 2 (peringkat 2) as a scientific journal
under the decree of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic
of Indonesia, Decree 158/E/KPT/2021, 9 December 2021. JIP publishes its issues twice a year on Juny and December.

JIP contains research result acticles and/or critical-analytical study in education field with the purpose to explore, develop, and explain knowledge about design and educational technology, in order to keep practitioners and researchers informed about current issues and best practice which were writen by authors and LPTK researchers as well as Public and Private IAI/STAI around Indonesia. The author guidelinees can be accessed: Author Guidelines.

JIP has been registered and indexed at Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journal, Sinta, and member of CrossRef.