Abstract. Anaerobic Respiration is one of biology topics that must be studied by XII IPA high school Students. The topic is Biotechnology which useful in everyday life due to its application related to anaerobic respiration. However, this topic has a fairly high level of difficulty and sometimes make students get misconceptions about the stages between microbes and the products produced in anaerobic respiration. Thus a Model of Education Reconstruction (MER) is needed to improve students' conceptions into scientific concepts by applying video-based learning designs and practicums. It can be used to explain the stages and utilization of microbes in applying the concept of anaerobic respiration. Meanwhile, through practicum, the students can see directly the products produced in anaerobic respiration. The subjects of this study were 20 students of XII IPA high School in Bengkulu City which consist of 10 boys and 10 girls. The research instrument was a three-tier test which was given to the sample in the pre-assessment and post-assessment activities. The results of the pre-assessment showed that students' conceptions on the topic of anaerobic respiration were low, with the data of 33% misconceptions, 42% did not know the concept, and 25% knew the concept. After implementing the video and practicum-based Model of Education Reconstruction (MER), students' conceptions have increased. This is evidenced by the post-assessment results, namely 16% had misconceptions, 2% did not know the concept, and 82% knew the concept. This percentage shows that the video-based Model of Education Reconstruction (MER) and practicum can improve students conceptual understanding on the topic of anaerobic respiration.
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