Infiltrasi Budaya Pada Perilaku Ekonomi ¸ Apakah Representasi Nation Threat?

Emma Yunika Puspasari


Cultural infiltration can be considered as a threat to the sustainability of Indonesia's local cultural identity and values, so that in this context it can be said to be a "nation threat". This is especially the case if the adoption of a foreign culture is not carried out by considering its long-term impact on the sustainability of local culture and society. This study uses an interpretive qualitative approach with a realist ethnographic model. Literature studies and narrative interviews were used in this study to reconstruct the domain, taxonomy and interrelationships of cultural themes in this study, socio-economic issues concerning the reciprocal relationship between cultural infiltration and economic behavior. The cultural invasion of the Korean wave on the economic behavior of the Indonesian people can create purchasing decisions and people's consumption patterns. The existence of the Korean wave can change people's consumption patterns, especially digital natives who switch to consuming Korean products which are becoming a trend that has extraordinary magnetism to attract the interest of this digital native terminology group, which can threaten the sustainability of local industries and affect the nation's economic structure.


Culture Infiltration, Economic Behaviour, Nation Threat

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