Fahruddin Fahruddin


This study aims to analyse the effectiveness of inquiry-based interactive pedagogical learning strategies in improving students' engagement and knowledge retention in controversial history lessons. The research method used was mixed methods. The research was conducted in five schools in Yogyakarta and Bantul, with the research population consisting of 500 students and 10 history teachers divided into experimental and control classes. The research instruments used included the use of the Engagement Measurement Tool and Knowledge Retention Test to collect quantitative data, as well as classroom observations and interviews to collect qualitative data. The validity of the instruments was tested through an expert panel and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), while reliability was measured using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA tests to compare the improvement in engagement and knowledge retention between the experimental and control classes. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis method to identify patterns and main themes. The results showed that students in the experimental class experienced significant increases in engagement (20 percent) and knowledge retention (25 percent), compared to smaller increases in the control class (5 percent and 8 percent respectively). Observations and interviews supported these findings by showing that students in the experimental class were more active and motivated in learning history. This research contributes to existing knowledge by providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of inquiry-based interactive pedagogical learning strategies, as well as offering practical implications for educators and policy makers to improve the quality of history education. The findings also highlight the need for further research covering a wider population and various educational contexts to understand the sustained impact of this teaching strategy.


controversial historical events; inquiry-based interactive; pedagogical strategies; student engagement; knowledge retention

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um0330v7i1p59-72


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