Journal DaFIna - Journal Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Indonesien

DaFIna Journal or Journal Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Indonesien is an electronic journal run by the German Department, State University of Malang which contains articles both in Indonesian and foreign languages. This journal is published annualy twice in June and December. Articles contained in the form of analysis, study, application of theory, research results and literature review with the scope as follows:

1) DaF (Deutsch als Fremdsprache)/German as a foreign language, especially in Indonesia, but does not rule out similar themes from other countries;

2) Germanistik/German Linguistics and its teaching;

3) Deutsche Literatur/German literature and its teaching;

4) Übersetzung/German translation and its teaching; and

5) Related themes, e.g. a) Tourismus/tourism management for German speaking tourists and its teaching and b) Deutschkurs/management of German courses and its teaching.

Journal DaFIna: Journal Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Indonesien has eISSN 2548-1681. It has been accredited starting from Vol. 1 Issue 1 (2017) up to Vol. 5 Issue 2 (2021).