
Issue Title
VOL 4, NO.3, NOVEMBER 2018 An Increase in Learning Outcome Students is Through The Development of Archive E-Module Based on The Flipbook With Discovery Learning Model Abstract  PDF
Indri Isnaeni, Yuli Agustina
VOL 4, NO.3, NOVEMBER 2018 Developing Instructional Media Mobile Learning Based Android to Improve Learning Outcomes Abstract  PDF
Candra Irawan, Ery Tri Djatmika RWW
VOL 4, NO.2, SEPTEMBER 2018 Improve Correspondence Learning Outcomes and Problem-Solving Capabilities by Developing Problem Based Learning Modules Abstract  PDF
Nisrina Fitriningtias, Madziatul Churiyah
VOL 3, NO.3, NOVEMBER 2017 Effect of Learning Motivation, Family Factor, School Factor, and Community Factor on Student Learning Outcomes on Productive Subjects Abstract  PDF
Oktaviani Pratiwi Wijaya, Imam Bukhori
VOL 4, NO.1, JULY 2018 Development of Project Based Psychomotor Assessment Instruments to Measure Student Learning Outcomes in Marketing Subjects on Basic Competencies of Marketing Mix Abstract  PDF
Eva Rosita Dewi, Wening Patmi Rahayu
VOL 3, NO.3, NOVEMBER 2017 The Effect of Family and School Cultural Environment Through Self Efficacy on Student Learning Result Abstract  PDF
Ely Rizky Amaliyah, Heri Pratikto
VOL 5, NO.3, NOVEMBER 2019 Problem-Based Learning and Learning Styles: The impact on Student’s Learning Outcomes Abstract  PDF
Susan Febriantina, Nuryetty Zein, Indah Novita, Marsofiyati4 Marsofiyati4
VOL 3, NO.2, SEPTEMBER 2017 Comparison the Application of PBL (Project Based Learning) and PBL (Problem Based Learning) Learning Model on Online Marketing Subjects Abstract  PDF
Agnes Dini Mardani, Titis Shinta Dhewi, Ludiwishnu Wardana
VOL 2, NO.1, JULY 2016 Pengaruh Self Regulated Learning dan Ketersediaan Fasilitas Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Otomatisasi Perkantoran Abstract  PDF
Sri Marta Astutik, Wasiti -
VOL 3, NO.1, JULY 2017 Improving Learning Outcomes in Office Automation Subjects Through Development of Video-Based Media Learning Operating Microsoft Publisher 2010 Abstract  PDF
Irma Mastumasari, Wasiti -, Sulistyaningsih -
VOL 3, NO.2, SEPTEMBER 2017 Improving The Student Learning Outcomes Through Public Relation Administration Module Development Based on POE Protocol Abstract  PDF
Yurikhe Indah Ayuning Puspa, Lulu Nurul Istanti, Imam Muchayat
VOL 2, NO.3, NOVEMBER 2016 Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kompetensi Dasar Mengklasifikasikan Jenis Bisnis Ritel melalui Model Discovery Learning dengan Media Mind Mapping Abstract  PDF
Sri Lestari
VOL 2, NO.3, NOVEMBER 2016 Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar dan Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Pengembangan Modul Administrasi Kepegawaian Berbasis Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Abstract  PDF
Kharisma Swandhana, Madziatul Churiyah, Lohana Juariyah
VOL 2, NO.2, SEPTEMBER 2016 Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Kearsipan dengan Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Script pada Kelas XII APK SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Kepanjen Abstract  PDF
Puji Lestari
Vol 7, No 2: SEPTEMBER 2021 Does Teachers’ Creativity Promote Economic Learning Outcomes? The Role of Student Creativity Quotient Abstract  PDF
Ari Saptono, Fanny Nurhayati, Suparno Suparno
VOL 2, NO.1, JULY 2016 Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kontekstual REACT (Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, dan Transferring) Abstract  PDF
Kiki Fatmala, Madziatul Churiyah, Elfia Nora
VOL 2, NO.1, JULY 2016 Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Kolaborasi Model Pembelajaran Predict, Observe and Explain (POE) dan Mind Mapping Pada Mata Pelajaran Kearsipan Abstract  PDF
Nur Tiara Eka Safitri, I Nyoman Suputra
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