The Effectiveness of Web-Based Teaching Materials in Mandarin Subject

Mega Zhu, Sardianto Markos Siahaan, Somakim Somakim


This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of web-based teaching materials about "我的家人"(wǒ de jiā rén, my family)in Mandarin subject. This research employed a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research methods with the Alessi & Trollip development model of planning, design, and development. The subjects of this study were 37 students of management major  at  MDP  University. The  trial  design  in  this  study  used a  one-group  pretest  and posttestdesign. This  research's  datacollection  techniques  are  interviews,  observations,  tests,  and questionnaires.  The  researchers utilizedinterviews,  observations,  tests,  and  questionnaires to analyzethe data. The research analysison the development of teaching materials can be described as: (1) its validity has been tested after being tested through 3 experts carried out in stages, with an  assessment of  93.33%.  (2) its  practicality has  been tested  on threestudents byfilling  out  a questionnaire. Itis obtained an efficient evaluation(91.66%) for each assessor. Thisweb-based teaching material can be used as online collaborative learningby getting an efficient assessment. (3) effectively increaseslearning outcomes between the pretest and posttestscores. In the pretest,the score was dominated in the very poor category, while in the posttest,the score was dominated in the good enough category. Itwas considered effective,reflected in the N-gain score of 56.49% in the medium category


effectiveness, teaching materials, Chinese language

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