An Analysis the Factors of Student Interest in English Language SB Sentul Malaysia

Bella Sukma Suwanda, Ana Maghfiroh, Diyah Mustikawati, Shohenuddin Shohenuddin


One of the things that makes students learn English is interest. Interest in English makes students want to learn it. The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that influence students' interest in English language. This study used a qualitative descriptive interview method where the research was conducted by interviewing students outside the classroom by taking as many as 5 respondents who were students at Sanggar Bimbingan Sentul, Malaysia. As a result, students are interested in learning English because they want to continue their higher education, because they are more comfortable communicating with friends who speak English, and because the school demands it, so it becomes a habit and results in interest.


interest student learning english, language learning, english language, interest english language

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Copyright (c) 2023 Bella Sukma Suwanda, Ana Maghfiroh, Diyah Mustikawati, Shohenuddin Shohenuddin

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