Rully Putri Nirmala Puji, Ratna Dwi Lestari


This study aims to evaluate the level of competency of history teachers in Jember. Competency indicators are pedagogical competence, social competence and personality competence based on the perspective of students. This research used quantitative analyzed using inference statistics to analyze differences in teacher competence according to gender and teaching experience. The research sample involved 100 students across five schools. Data analysis used SPSS with multivariate statistical tests. This study indicates a significant difference between teacher pedagogical competence based on gender and teacher social competence based on the level of teaching experience. This study reflects that competency development is still needed to improve teacher competence to improve learning quality.


Pedagogic competency; social competency; personal competency; teacher competency

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um0330v4i1p86-97


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