Modelling The Learner Model Based Ontology In Adaptive Learning Environment

Saida Ulfa, Deddy Barnabas Lasfeto, Citra Kurniawan


Currently, the online learners are increasingly demanding more personalized learning since the web technology, and the learners have individual features of characteristics such as learning goals, experiences, interests, personality traits, learning styles, learning activities, and prior knowledge. A personalized learning process requires an adaptive learning system (ALS). In order to adapt, a learner model is required. Thus, modelling the learner model in an adaptive system environment is a key point to success in recommending the learner. The ontology-based approach was used to model the adaptive learning model in this research.   Ontology is a graph structure that consists of a collection of contexts, relationships, and models which related to contexts. The ontology of the learner model enables to produce a description of learner’s properties which contains important information about domain knowledge, learning performance, interests, preference, goal, tasks, and personal traits.

Keywords - Personalized Learning, Adaptive Learning System, Ontology, Learner Model

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