Jurnal Pembelajaran Sains (Print ISSN: 2355-7044; Online ISSN: 2527-9157) provides a place for teachers, academics, lecturers, and students to share and discuss the results of their research in the field of science / science education. The Jurnal Pembelajaran Sains is published by the Natural Science Education Study Program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang. JPS publishes academic articles that focus on teaching and learning science from a range of basic education to higher education. This journal serves as a bridge between researchers and practitioners (instructors at every level of education) in sharing and providing information, ideas, and opinions about the reality of education experienced by each author.

Vol 8, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Risnada Adelia Andini, Indra Fardhani, Erti Hamimi
Fitrotin Nufus, Try Hartiningsih, Mochammad Ahied, Eva Ari Wahyuni, Dwi Bagus Rendy Astid Putera
Billy Nugraha, Friska Putri Zukhruf, Handika Setiawan, Moh. Rizha Fauzi Amin, Nadhira Septias Kharisma
Musayyaroh Musayyaroh, Nur Qomaria, Aditya Rakhmawan, Eva Ari Wahyuni, Try Hartiningsih