Gamified Balinese Local Stories Effect As A Teaching Media Towards Young Learners’ Speaking Skill
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu efek dari gamifikasi cerita lokal Bali sebagai media belajar terhadap keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Inggris untuk pelajar usia dini. Kuasi-eksperimental dengan desain one group pre-test post-test diterapkan sebagai metode penelitian. Seluruh siswa SD Negeri 4 Kaliuntu menjadi populasi penelitian ini sedangkan sampelnya yaitu 38 siswa kelas 5 pada tahun akademik 2019/2020. Adapun 3 instrumen yang digunakan meliputi gamifikasi berdasarkan cerita lokal Bali sebagai instrumen perlakuan, tes keterampilan berbicara sebagai instrumen pretest-posttest dan rubrik penilaian berbicara. 5 dimensi keterampilan berbicara dijadikan landasan pembuatan rubrik penilaian. Pretest dan posttest diberikan kepada grup eksperimental sebanyak 6 kali secara berulang. Setelah diberikan perlakuan, skor rata-rata posttest siswa lebih tinggi (79,95) dibandingkan skor rata-rata pretest (69,97). Hasil dari paired sample t-test menunjukkan bahwa Sig (2-tailed) adalah .000 yang menunjukkan adanya efek signifikan dari penggunaan gamifikasi cerita lokal Bali sebagai media pengajaran pada keterampilan berbicara pelajar usia dini.
Abstract: This study was aimed to find out the effect of gamified Balinese local stories as teaching media towards young learners’ speaking skills in English. Quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design was implemented as the method of this research. All of the students of SD Negeri 4 Kaliuntu became the population of this study, while the sample was 38 fifth grade students in the academic year of 2019/2020. There were three instruments in this research that included gamified Balinese local stories as the treatment instrument, speaking test as the pretest-posttest instrument, and speaking rubric. Five dimensions of speaking skills were inserted in the speaking rubric. Pretest and posttest were given to the experimental group for six times repeatedly. After being treated, the average score of students’ posttests was higher (79.95) than the average score of pretests (69.97). Also, the result of the paired sample t-test revealed that the value of Sig (2-tailed) is .000 which implied that there was a significant effect of gamified Balinese local stories as teaching media towards young learners’ speaking skills.
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