Manuscript Flow

Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran’s Manuscript Flow


  1. Author(s) register on the Jinotep’s website ( for less than 15 minutes.
  2. The Author(s) login to the Jinotep’s website ( for less than 1 minute.
  3. The Author(s) submit an article to the Jinotep’s website (less than 30 minutes). The file that should be submitted is: 
  • an article file (doc or Docx format);
  • any other Supplementary Files.


  1. The editor performs the first evaluation in the form of the article topic, novelty, the article layout, and article originality. If the article is out of the scope, then the article will be rejected. This process can take up to 1-2 weeks.
  2. The editor assigns at least two independent peer-reviewers based on the article topic.
  3. Peer-reviewers of JINOTEP review the article. This process can take 1-2 weeks.
  4. Peer-reviewers submit their review to the Editor.
  5. The editor performs the second evaluation (related to the revised article based on the reviewer's suggestions) and provides a decision regarding the reviewer's recommendations. The decision can be: accepted without revision, minor revision, major revision, or rejection.
    • If the decision is "accept submission", then the article will be directed to the proofreading process (jump to step 10) after the decision is notified to the author.
    • If the decision is "revisions required", then the manuscript and the review results will be given to the author(s). The Author(s) must revise the manuscript for a maximum of 2 weeks.
    • If the decision is "resubmit for review", then the manuscript and the review results will be given to the author(s). The Author(s) must revise the manuscript for one month (maximum time).
    • If a decision is "decline submission", then the review results will be given to the author(s).
  6. The author(s) revise the manuscript based on the suggestion from the Peer-reviewers before the deadline. If the submission of the revised article exceeds the given time, the manuscript will be treated like "resubmit for review" or "major revisions and need to be reviewed" (back to step 6). If the Author has been given a second chance to revise but does not revise the article until the deadline, the Editor will consider changing the decision by rejecting the article for publication at JINOTEP.
  7. After the author has revised all suggestions and comments from the editor and reviewer (s), if the manuscript is still in the Indonesian version, then the author will be asked to translate it into English.
  8. After the manuscript has been translated, the manuscript will be checked for similatiry using a simile checking application such as Turnitin, then if the result is still above 20%, then the author must re-paraphrase and revise it until the similarity result is below 20%.
  9. Evidence of similarity check results below 20% in PDF format, and manuscript paraphrasing results in Docx format uploaded on OJS as proof that the paraphrasing has been re-paraphrased and exceeds the maximum standard of similarity set by JINOTEP
  10. After performing the second evaluation, the Editor will ask the Author to recheck the article layout (based on the Jinotep’s template) and self-proofread (checking on grammar and typos). Author(s) are given the time 1-2 weeks to perform the checks. Note that any significant modification of the manuscript is only allowed if they are connected with the layout and proofreading. This stage is the final opportunity of the Author to make changes to the Article.
  11. The editor assigns Proofreader.
  12. The proofreader reviews the readability of the article. This process can take up to one week.
  13. The editor provides proofreading results to the author.
  14. After the Proofreading process is complete, the Editor will perform the third evaluation (related to layout and proofreading). This process can take up to one week.
  15. The editor publishes Articles that have been accepted and revised to the Jurnal Kwangsan’s website. Publication of articles can be directly on a particular Volume and Number or in the "Articles in Press" section. More details can be seen in Article in Press policy.