Environmental Awareness Character Study of Kuala Langsa Society

Siska Rita Mahyuny, Ekariana S. Pandia, Vita Ria Mustikasari, Rizal Nasution


Mangrove Forest, located in Kuala Langsa, Aceh Province of Indonesia, is one of the local, regional, national, and international ecotourism destinations. However, there are some issues about the awareness character of the society around Kuala Langsa. This research purpose is to have a better understanding of the people and their knowledge concerning to environmental issues. The technique used in the research was a random sampling interview combined with customized questionnaires as an indicator of understanding about environmental issues awareness taken from 100 respondents. The data value shown by Likert scale as follow: 46.8 percent littering habits, 33 percent toilet sanitation, 36.2 percent reuse of product. The research concludes the awareness character of Kuala Langsa society influenced by the educational level, economic condition, and their opportunity to gain access to the next level of educational grade, and also low frequency of government appeal to the society of how important to always maintain and preserve the Kuala Langsa Mangrove.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um072v2i12020p30-36


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