Why should e-mentoring be preferred over traditional mentoring in teacher professional development: a systematic review
Abstract: The improvement in teachers' professional competence is one of the key components to be continuously pursued to enhance the quality of education. E-mentoring has surfaced as a superior option, in contrast to conventional mentoring, by providing accessibility and adaptability. This research aims to analyse and evaluate e-mentoring and traditional mentoring for teachers' professional development, focusing on why e-mentoring might be preferred over traditional mentoring to support teachers' professional competence. The research method employs a systematic literature review of 15 articles accessed from 2020-2024. The results indicate that e-mentoring offers more accessibility and flexibility, while traditional mentoring excels in building strong interpersonal relationships. Factors influencing effectiveness include the quality of the mentor-mentee relationship, the use of technology, and the program design. Although e-mentoring shows great potential, particularly in overcoming geographical barriers, its effectiveness depends on careful implementation and adequate technological support
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